A Different Lense, Maybe? (College Edition)

Have you ever asked someone who's been to college, "What is college like?" or "How was college for you?", and they give you this interesting look or vague answer. For me I did not understand why they would do that until I got into college. College is hard to describe. Any time someone would ask me about school in my freshmen year, my immediate response would be, "it's college", sarcastically. But it was not until I kept progressing through school where I realized the importance of explaining my college experience to people who may ask. And the purpose of me explaining is to break the stereotypes surrounding college. I always thought college was going to be easy, but for most people it's not.

To many people, college is a place that only intelligent people go. Some people look at college as "the be all end all" of being successful. And some people even see college as a place where people do not struggle and they have this idea that individuals that haven't been to college have it way harder. All some see is the parties, tailgates, and football games. I'm telling you NOW all those things are mostly inaccurate ideas. There are many people in college that may not of had the highest GPA and there are plenty people who do. To be honest college is a mixture of everything; and everybody has different reasons to why there are and how they are making it. Sometimes college is the only way out for people. But seriously, most people that are in college are experiencing some of the hardest things they probably will ever have to face in life, like sexual violence, suicidal crises, depression, domestic violence, amongst other things. A lot of students are struggling alone and in silence and no one speaks about it.

I know for me, college made me address past issues that I would have NEVER addressed if I did not go. For those students who are out of state, for the most part, you are there by yourself, no where to run, just you... and you are forced to face your insecurities, past trauma, and other hardships alone. College overall is a journey of healing and really getting to know yourself, your true self. Most people see glitz and glam but I have encountered many of people who are depressed or suicidal, people that I know personally. There are people in college that are homeless. There are people there that are one the verge of a mental break because they have to work two jobs and attend school full time. I am not anti-college but I am anti-false reality. College is hard for a lot of people but no one ever explains that part. That's what this blog is for, giving all the perspectives not just the pretty one. 
