Do You Want It Enough?

"Do you want it enough?" Recently I found myself asking myself that. For majority of my life, I found myself doing things because I felt pressured to do it. Whether that was going to school, working, getting in personal relationships, and amongst other things. This is where I noticed my inconsistency. Most of the things I have done in life was not because I wanted to but was because I felt that it was expected of me. I have come to the conclusion that this is probably one of the reasons why I have never completed anything. 

I understand now that the only way you can do something and complete it, is if you truly want it enough, at least for me that is. Lately, my issue has been with school. Do I really want it enough to continue right now? Or is it that I feel pressured to do it? Yes I should have outgrown peer pressure and societal pressures but truth is, it still affects not only me but other people in my age group. Anybody that knows me know that I have NEVER wanted to go to school but I did because of pressure from family, friends, administration at school, and the narrative of school being the "be all end all" of being successful. We see it all the time on social media, people being ridiculed for not completing college or not going, but what people fail to realize... college is not for everybody. And I am here to say COLLEGE IS NOT THE ONLY WAY TO BE SUCCESSFUL! Do the thing you feel like you would put your all into! When you do not want to do something, you most likely will not complete it. Everyone's journey is different so do not let anything or anyone make you feel like you are missing out on something if you do not go the route they are going, you have to want it enough, other people cannot want it for you..


  1. I commend you for speaking nothing but facts, because what you're saying, many people feel the same way, however, they can not say it because they probably feel as though they will let down their parents, friends, family, etc. And college is not for everyone...When we do something we really want to do, we will complete the task,, accomplishments because it's what WE want to do, not because of pressure from others.

  2. You are on to something. Education is a tool, not a ticket. You can certainly get the same, if not better use from other tools.


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