Stay in Your Perfectly Made Lane

Every week I try to reflect over my week and analyze the lessons I have learned throughout it; and one of the many lessons or realizations I had was, sometimes I get caught up and find myself comparing myself to others. And for many other people that's the same narrative. I do not think it is with any malice but simply feeling like you're not doing enough or you are sharing a lane with others. I personally do not compare myself often but I'll be lying if I said I did not at all.

When it comes to comparing, there's two types of people, those who use that moment to motivate them and those
who compare themselves until they find themselves belittling their own successes. With comparing, we sometimes question the value of ourselves, what we are doing, and where we are in life. Because of social media, societal, and parental standards, there's a lot a pressure to be a certain way and it forces us to feel like we have to compete.

Sometimes we even feel as if the idea that we once had, is now invalid because there's someone in the same lane as you. And on the outside it probably look like they are doing better. But I am here to tell you, you do not know what the next person has been through to get to where they are now and vice versa. What you are doing still has value no matter how many people are doing the same thing. Do it because you want to do it, not because you see someone else doing it. What you bring to the table is important and valuable and can possibly make a unique impact. So let's redefine our own personal standards and realize that we are unique and no matter how many people are doing the same thing, what you were destined to do is completely made for you. There's no need to compete, you're in your own lane no matter how similar it looks to someone else's.
